
Advantages of Using Americas Mailbox Mail Forwarding and Home Base Services

From Americas Mailbox’s prime location in the Rapid City area of South Dakota, we can take care of all of your needs wherever you are in the world. In fact as you’ll see, South Dakota is the best state in which to have an address, and being in the US makes a big difference in terms of saving money on taxes.

For many previous years, and most recently as of January 2019, Bankrate’s ranking of best states in which to retire said:

“Forget sunny Florida or California, retirees are better off heading to colder climates, according to Bankrate’s latest ranking of best states to retire.

South Dakota topped Bank rate’s list. Its low taxes, lack of crime and easy access to quality healthcare make it the country’s best state for retirees, according to Bankrate’s rankings, which equally weighted weather, cost of living, crime, quality of health care, state and local taxes and general well-being.”

And you don’t ever have to be in South Dakota in cold weather! We give you the address, and you winter wherever you wish!

There are many advantages to using our company over any other.

For one thing, when we built this company, we knew what RVers, Traveling Nurses, Merchant Marines, Military folks, Boaters, Truck Drivers, Salespeople and extended travelers would want. As far as we know, Americas Mailbox Mail Forwarding and Home Base Services is the only company like this in the country that is owned by a fulltime RVer. We know first hand what it’s like to get good service and mail delivery while you’re traveling. You might say we don’t just talk about it…we “walk-the-walk,” and that really does make a difference!

We are a Christian family-owned business. We believe in providing a good service for a fair rate. We’re not here to make a lot of money quickly. I’ve been in business long enough to know the best way to build a business is to build trust… and that takes time.address, and you winter wherever you wish!

Especially if you are currently using another service, take a few minutes to call the owners (days, early evenings and even weekends) at (605) 593-4496 to find out what the differences are and how Americas Mailbox will be your best choice!

In addition to mail forwarding and home base services, we now have our full-service campsites and guest room lodging available for rent, vehicle insurance right on the premises and used RV sales.

Even if you are NOT yet a member you can now order RV supplies and parts through our web site gateway and save yourselves time and money!!

Location, location, location

When we built our office, we had many choices as to where to put it. So, in order to save you money, we put it in the Rapid City area, Pennington County, South Dakota… which has:

NO Wheel Tax (unlike other counties…) this saves you an average of $40 to $120 a year!! Those of you who are using another service in South Dakota, ask them if their county has a Wheel Tax. If they do, maybe you should change to one that doesn’t. (Think about it… over a 5 year period, you’d pay an average of $200 to $500. Why pay it if you don’t have to? Wouldn’t that make it worthwhile to switch over?)

NO State Income Tax (This is a no-brainer here folks!)

Sales tax on purchase of vehicles is only 4% and that is after deducting your trade in at the dealer!

There is NO yearly tax, such as property tax or whatever your current state calls it.

NO Safety Inspection

NO Smog Inspection

an RVer-friendly attitude

AND… according to the Insurance Information Institute, South Dakota is almost the very least expensive state for vehicle insurance!! It’s ranked the 47th least expensive state in the entire country in which to obtain auto insurance. (Just think of all the money you’ll save by joining Americas Mailbox Mail Forwarding just on that one fact alone!)  

We have a licensed vehicle insurance agent on site to help you with all your insurance needs. When you compare rates, make sure you are truly looking at “apples and apples.” Many factors affect the South Dakota rate you will pay, including full-timer vs. part-timer coverage, “no-fault” insurance your previous state might have had, and what each company considers your “garaging” address. Needless to say we will help you out in any way we can!

Saving you money

We’re all about saving you money! When you compare companies and the services that are provided side-by-side, we are the very least expensive service of our kind in South Dakota or for that matter, anywhere in the country that I’m aware of. Folks, if you are currently using another mail-forwarding service and they charge more or you’re not thrilled with the service you’re getting, you need to ask yourselves how long are you going to be needing the service.

We know it’s a hassle to change companies, but if you think about it, switching over to Americas Mailbox Mail Forwarding and Home Base Services may save you hundreds, maybe into a thousand or more over the years.

Think about it… if you’re paying another company say for example, $225 a year, multiply that by the number of years you plan on using them, then deduct the amount you’d pay Americas Mailbox Mail Forwarding. On top of that, add the number of dollars you’ll save by not paying the Wheel Tax (typically $20-$60 per vehicle, every year, year in and year out).

You might be surprised by the amount you’ll get to keep. You’ll see it’s well worth the effort to switch over.

We have mail forwarding plans from $149 and up, depending on the level of service you need. There are other companies that charge almost THREE TIMES the amount we do for the same service. There is a company in South Dakota that charges you every time you renew your license plates… whether you do it yourself or they do!! There is also a company that charges you over $200 for mail forwarding on an annual contract AND $4 every time they send out your mail to you AND charges you sales tax on your own postage!! We’ve even found a mail forwarding company that charges $600 a year for the same service we provide for MUCH less!

Unless you have so much money you don’t care how you spend it, do NOT allow yourselves to be ripped off! We just feel that this is NOT the way to run a business and will not do it.

Some companies may offer additional services that show up in their fine print at greatly inflated prices. We at Americas Mailbox are interested in serving you honestly and fairly, and do not believe in charging you for services you may very rarely need. So if you’re:

  • Looking for something important? We’re the only company of this type letting YOU know right away (the very same day) when you receive Certified or Registered mail.
  • Looking for something important? Just e-mail or call us and we’ll check for you at the end of the day when all the mail has been put up.
  • Looking for something important? On a case-by-case basis, we’ll scan and email (or fax) ANY document per your specific instructions.

Check out our rates and plans, then let us show you how you can start saving money on your home base services today.

And yet another way Americas Mailbox Mail Forwarding and Home Base Services is unique, the Real ID Law (a Federal Law) requires that you as a traveler MUST spend one night in a hotel, motel or campground in order to get a drivers license. We have, right here on our premises, both a campground and guest rooms for you to use. (Click here for details.)

Our Guarantee

We are the ONLY company that we know of that guarantees our work. If other companies make a mistake that costs you money unnecessarily, they’ll usually say, “Oh, we’re sorry” and that’ll be the end of that. If WE make a mistake, we’ll put our money where our mouth is. We are the only company that has the confidence to do that. Now, in all fairness, there are some common sense restrictions and limitations that need to apply here. Things like if the post office makes a mistake or redirects your mail, we can’t be held liable or if the state police shuts the highway down and the mail can’t get shipped out, that’s not our fault…things like that.

Another Important Benefit

When we ship out our customers’ mail via the USPS/Priority Mail, we obtain, at no cost to our members, a Delivery Confirmation number from the US Postal Service. No other company we know of does this. It is simply too expensive. Think about it…for all the many thousands of pieces of mail that we ship out, those costs really add up, but taking care of our member’s needs is the important thing to us.

And Yet, There Are Still More Important Benefits

Our members can set up their own schedule on our website, to go out one time or one thousand times. You can set up your schedule to possibly go out that same day or if you happen to know where you’re going to be, you can do it up to 20 years in the future! Our members know they can set up their schedule for their mail to be shipped out

  1. Anywhere they want
  2. As often as they want it
  3. However they want it

Our members are not restricted to only on Tuesday or once a month or whatever unlike many other companies! Our customers are all big people, not some little kids to be dictated to. If our members want their mail every day Monday through Friday, we’ll send it every day Monday through Friday at no extra cost!

If you want to see for yourself how easy it is, go to and log in as User name: 100 and Password: Guest.

When our members do this, they get an email about 20 minutes after hitting Submit showing their schedule. In fact, when the mail gets shipped out, they even get an email to let them know their mail has been shipped. Our members never have to wonder if their mail went out.

Furthermore, if you set up a schedule using our very powerful yet easy to use online scheduling website which we set up for you, if you hit the Submit button by 7:00 AM Mountain Time, we’ll be able to get your mail out the very same day! How’s that for customer service?

Still Yet Another Important Benefit

If there is no mail to ship out, we send them a simple postcard to let them know that there was no other mail… so our members never have to wonder if the mail got lost somewhere!

And Yet, There Are Still More Important Benefits

If our members ever come to the Rapid City area and need someplace to stay, we have our very own campground and guest rooms available.

And Finally,

If our members are annual subscribers (Silver and above) and they stop by our office to pick up their mail and visit with the staff as they are passing through Rapid City en route to someplace else… as a way of saying “Thank You,” we’ll even buy them lunch the first time they stop by. Now for sure, no other mail forwarding company in the country does that.

Folks, there’s a bunch of other things but I’m sure you’re now starting to get the idea that we really do care for our members. We all work very hard to make sure that we do the best job we can humanly do. You may have a PMB number, but you will never be a number with us.

As a matter of fact…if you ever even think you could have been treated better, you will have my personal cell phone number and email address. (The only things I ask is use Common Sense and don’t call me 3:00 in the morning and to remember the difference in time zones as I do answer the phone!) How many other companies have you ever dealt with that gave you the owner’s personal cell phone number?

Let me close by saying a very sincere Thank You for considering Americas-Mailbox.

Don, Barb and The Entire Crew at Americas Mailbox Mail Forwarding and Home Base Services

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